Welcome to stHYPE
The premiere liquid-staking solution for the Hyperliquid network.
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The premiere liquid-staking solution for the Hyperliquid network.
Last updated
Documentation is still a work in progress. Some sections may be incomplete or subject to change as Hyperliquid release final details.
Typically, on Proof-of-Stake networks, the network is secured by a group of validators that are in turn secured by economic security. In return for locking these tokens, the stakers receive rewards in proportion to how many tokens they have staked. To maintain economic security, there is usually an unbonding period when trying to unstake tokens. As a result of this structure, traditional stakers have zero access to liquidity or the general DeFi ecosystem. In addition to the systematic problems, traditional staking UX is cumbersome—researching operators, distributing stake, and interacting with multiple systems is a painful process.
Liquid staking solves the typical exclusivity of staking, allowing users to earn rewards without sacrificing access to liquidity or usage across DeFi. In addition to these obvious benefits, liquid staking helps users by:
Making the staking process extremely simple—users can stake with stHYPE in < 30 seconds.
Compounding rewards as a result of automatic validator rebalancing.
Consistency; stHYPE has a large and elite validator set—you don't have to rely on one infrastructure provider.
Something extremely overlooked about LSTs is their network effects and benefits on the greater DeFi ecosystem. A great case study is stETH on Ethereum, where $7b of stETH is used as collateral across the ecosystem, more than all stablecoin collateral combined.
From the network perspective, LSTs:
Unlock the most significant source of sustainable retail yield
Have an elite and reputable validator set securing the network
Increase the total amount of funds securing the network
Make DeFi amazing
stHYPE will be the lifeblood of the Hyperliquid DeFi ecosystem.